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can some1 give me advice plz?


my best friend is in a relationship that is about to crash & burn and she is going to be crushed badly under all the wreckage because he lies just to make himself look better to his friends....


i dont want to see this friend hurt (her name is Hannah) i dont want to see this friend hurt and i still have feelings for her and i think she has feelings for me because (im an insomniac) she contacts me in the middle of the night and talks to me about her relationship....and if she ever found out about the things he does she would probly kill herself....and i dont want to see that happen...can some1 tell me how i should tell her or if i should just wait and when it happens just be there for her?


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what exactly is he doing thats horrible? if its something serious then i think you should tell her, but if its trivial id back off. she may not believe what you have to say and it might make you look bad. i think you need to be there for her. as for the liking her part, you need to hold off on that seeing as how she is dating someone. is the reason you want them to break up because of your crush on her..or is it because he is acutally doing bad things?

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well, its your judgement of whether you think that is something that she absolutely needs to know. im kind of thinking you should. but let her know casually, dont act like you care all that much about it but just let her know that you thought she might need to know. dont try to meddle and get involved, just let her know what he told you and leave it at that.

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np. if you feel it is really important then id do it. i dont know the girl or the guy so i dont know how theyd react to you doing this, thats why i cant give you a sure answer. i do know that what he is doing is absolutely disgusting. just tell her casually and dont seem all freaked out about it and leave it at that. take care and let us know how things go! good luck

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What makes you think that she is interested in you? Because she calls you in the middle of the night and talks to you about her relationship? That is not a sign of her liking you, in fact, I'd say it's more of a sign that she likes you as just a friend. Friends call each other up all of the time to talk about their problems, even in the middle of the night. The thing is, you are the "safe" friend who is always available when she needs to talk. That's the role you are playing, being her therapist/shoulder to cry on. You're her friend.


If she was really interested in you, I think she would be more worried about making herself look bad in your eyes and wouldn't spend so much time talking about her problems to you. She would want you to think she is fun and exciting, not a girl riddled with drama and problems.


Besides, if you like her, ask her out. Quite frankly it's none of your business between her and her boyfriend. If you are a much better guy than her boyfriend then ask her out.

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