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Doesn't really matter WHY you did it anymore, just matters that you did. NO, you shouldn't dump her or ditch her or any other cruel, selfish, immature ways of dealing with this...


Rather, try talking to her kindly and gently and friendly and explain that although you agreed to date her, you really aren't prepared to do that right now. For whatever reason, LIE if you have too - just do it KINDLY AND GENTLY - you just can't AT THIS TIME.


Tell her that you respect her and do not want to treat her badly and that is why you are telling her up front rather than leading her on.


REMEMBER - this girl is a HUMAN BEING!!!! This girl has feelings, which regardless what excuse you use, will be hurt! This girl deserves to be treated better than being "dumped or ditched"...

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dont ditch here, thats the last thing that you wanna do. just lightly tell her the whole truth like you thought you liked her alot but something just changed and stuff. just do it so you dont hurt her becuase once someone has a heart brake, its there for along time....



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