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i need more help concerning my jealousy

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theres the link to my thread earlier today, its kinda short...


anyway i was ok until i was going through my phone and realized that the night they had been talking online and commenting each other was the same night she told me she was having a bonfire....she texted me at 12 saying just "awake?" and i guess pretended she was drunk because she didn't talk much the entire night. Her comment to him was done at 11:22 that night, over a half hour before she texted me...


Is it time to confront her....?? Its obvious now that she dissed me to talk to him...

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im not really sure i totally understand waht youre saying. however, i read your previous post. it sounds like youre overanalyzing the situation. could you explain more clearly what happened about the bonfire or whatever you were talking about? thanks.

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yeah sure i can, supposedly that night she was having a bonfire to sort of say goodbye to all of her senior friends. She hadn't texted me all day so i just assumed she was preparing for the night. Well, she didn't text me until 1230 and it was only the word "awake?" so i knew something was up. Then she didn't respond until an hour later and it wasn't much then.


She was quiet the next day when we talked for the first time in our entire relationship, and was acting very much not herself when she finally did talk. Shes back to normal now so i had just shrugged it off until today when i saw a comment she had made to a boy back on the day of the bonfire. She had been talking to him online that night at 11:30. She never told me she was online, she told me she had gotten so drunk and only went up to bed at 1 AM. thereforeeee she lied, she told me she was at a party when in reality she was talking to this guy online.


That more or less leads up to the previous post and explains how i feel.

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thereforeeee she lied, she told me she was at a party when in reality she was talking to this guy online.


is this the same guy from the bonfire? and what exaclty are the comments theyre writing. are they flirtatious? or just normal friendly conversations. i definetly know how jealousy can be.


so this guy online, does she know him personally, or just an internet thing? and id ask her about this, to me it doesnt sound liek a big deal. but i dont know your gf so i cant really say that about her. i can definetly relate to the jealousy thing though.


have you talked to her about how this makes you feel? does she know?

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the quotes are in my previous post, you an read them and make your judgement. So far the women who've read say i'm overreacting, but the guys think something is up. ANd to my knowledge this guy is just a random friend off of facebook i dont know who requested who, but he has alot of girls from our future school on his friends list and put "random play" as what he was there for. THe thing is...ours is an LDR if you will and thats exactly how we started, she randomly requested me off of myspace and we started talking. THe girls think she is just trying to make friends in college but given whats happened with us i think not.


Im dying of jealousy and ache over here, i haven't yet met her, just seen pictures so i can't exactly talk to her about my feelings in person. I've made up my mind to ask her just who he is, not accusing her of anything, and see what she says. Ill be the judge of whether or not shes BSing me i suppose...although every alarm in my body says break it off now before you get seriously hurt. What im feeling now could go away in as little as a week-week and a half...if i let this continue i might not be so lucky you know?

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in a way it seems liek shes just trying to be friendly, yet at the same time seeming like she wants this guy. i dont know.


although every alarm in my body says break it off now before you get seriously hurt. What im feeling now could go away in as little as a week-week and a half...if i let this continue i might not be so lucky you know?


trust your intuition. if thats what its telling you, thats all you can do. and i knwo you have strong feelings for this girl, but wouldnt you rather end things now until you guys meet one day in person or whatever and then find otu shes been doing this all behind your back? maybe she isnt, i dont know if its harmless or not. i just think if thats what youre feeling, you know you best, and you knwo her better than anyone else here so i think you should follow your intuition. also, if shes going to just start talking to you on myspace like that, and starts doing it with others, she seems kind of insecure. theres nothing wrong wiht myspace and meeting new people, but if she flirts with these guys and would make up lies that she is out partying yet she is really online with guys, she is insecure and is obvoiusly a liar. you dont want that kinda crap in your life do you?

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i think that if this is bothering u then u need to talk to her about this, try not to have a row because thats when things can get nasty and people start getting really hurt, i think u need to tell her u feel and u need to find out how she feels and whats it is that she wants, i really hope that u find a way to get through this, good luck

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