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ive realized a few things

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what you have to realize to beat depression is why bad things happen. bad things happen to people so they can learn how to deal with them. you fall down so you can learn how to get back up. god has nothing to do with this. being happy is a matter of accepting your past, your abilities and all of the things you can't ever change. once you have accepted those things you can really have complete control over your life and the things you do. that is the reverse of depression, and the further that goes and the better you do the happier you will be. you dont have to be afraid of your past and you definitely cant change it. it happened, and no matter what it is it will always bring you to something new- good or bad your past and present lead you to your future. come to terms with your past and present then you will come to terms with the future. that is how you eliminate axiety all together. there wont be anything to be anxious about and you can just enjoy what is and what is to come and also learn from what already has happened and use it to improve your future. just some of my thoughts, they may be completely invalid- i have been wrong a lot in my life.


-hope this helps someone...

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