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Cardio and when to eat

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To burn fat, we need to do a moderate amount of cardio, but when is the best time to do cardio so it can burn the most fat? Through reading i have found out that running in the morning burn the most fat. With that answer i still have many questions. Should i run and do my abs workout before i eat? that would make my lose my muscle mass. Should i drink one scoop of whey protein with 27 grams of proteins before i run, eat breakfast then train my abs later?


Any suggestion would be welcome. If you do have a six pack and a muscular body, pls tell me how you did it.

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It is best to exercise first thing in the morning before you eat and then take a protein shake (branched chain amino acids) after you exercise to maintain your muscle mass. I have received my graduate training in physiology, including exercise physiology, so if you have any further questions, please pm me.

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There isn't a specific time of day to burn the most fat. You work out whenever you have time or whatever fits your schedule. If you work out in the morning, it will boost your metabolism for the rest of the day. However, working out in the evening you can burn just as much fat and will burn more calories during sleep.


Performing cardiovascular exercise is great, but the best exercise program is one that combines cardiovascular training with resistance training. A better site to get scientific information about exercising is link removed

It's the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is the gold standard in resistance and athletic training. The American College of Sports Medicine also has a site (link removed) and they are the gold standard for exercise physiology. I think they also have articles and information on working out.


I don't recommend eating a large meal before running, as that will cause you to get a side ache because there will be competition for blood flow to digest the food instead of to the working muscles and skin to dissipate heat, and you will have to stop exercising because it will hurt. I recommend eating something 1-2 hours before exercising because if you work out on an empty stomache you will get hungry and probably have to stop early or you will hit the wall while you are exercising. Hitting the wall just means that your muscles will run out of glucose and if you are out of glucose you will have to stop exercising because fat burns best when carbs are also used.


Be careful on the protein because if you are consuming more protein than your body needs it will be converted into fat and stored. Your body can turn any macromolecule into fat (fat, carbs, and protein). I don't recommend adding a protein supplement to your diet. The best nutrients come from food, so eating a well balanced diet should provide you with enough protein. The recommended protein intake should be 0.8-1.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight. There's 2.2 kgs in 1 pound, so just do the math to see how much you need. It will be on the higher end if you are working out. Your body will use 10% or less of protein during endurance activities and that is if you are exercising for extended periods of time.


It is a good idea to eat within 1-2 hours post-exercise to replace the macromolecules that were used during exercise. Something with some sugar in it like a sports drink will cause insulin to increase which will result in an increase in the storage of macromolecules.


I hope I've helped you here. I have a master's degree in physiology, so I guess that makes me an expert. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.


Good luck with your workout!

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I'm not a fitness guru, but I do know a bit, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Use what you think is good and throw the rest out.


when is the best time to do cardio so it can burn the most fat?


I read a fitness mag that says the morning is the best time. Some trainers say that after lunch is. Other websites say that night time is. My own personal preference is to do it during the part of the day when I feel the best, or have the time. You burn the same fat in the morning as you do at night or after lunch. I usually like running at night because it's more peaceful, and not quite as hot outside.


Should i run and do my abs workout before i eat?


Run one day, then do one muscle group the next day. You build muscle when you're resting. If you lump everything into one day, you have a higher chance of injury, or not getting the results you want.


that would make my lose my muscle mass.


Not necessarily. If you're a body builder, and your finances are depending on you winning that next muscle contest, then I would worry about it. If you're average Joe who works 8-5 who wants a better physique, don't worry about it.


If you do have a six pack and a muscular body, pls tell me how you did it.


A little weights, a little running, a somewhat healthy diet, and hard work. My most important ingredient is NO STRESS. I think that this whole vegan, atkins, south Beach, calorie counting crap is a bunch of garbage. Right along with all these "diet pills" and "special workouts". They're all scams. Eat what you want to, just not a bunch of crap. Your body will talk to you. I dirnk water, take a vitamin everyday and eat things like salads, steak, sandwhiches, pasta, fish, pizza, whatever.


Should i drink one scoop of whey protein with 27 grams of proteins before i run, eat breakfast then train my abs later?


Don't take a protein supplement before you run. Take it before you workout (as in when you're not doing cardio). Follow the instructions on the bottle. Some people debate that you need to take it before a workout, some people say after. What I do is split it up. Take half before, and half after. Eat a meal if you want. It doesn't really matter, as long as you eat healthy.

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