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most embarrassing sex of my life

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Something so embarrassing happened today. So, my girl and I were just getting warmed up kissing and all that, she was ONLY starting to give me a slow handjob to get me ready, and all the sudden I come! Orgasm, no; but ejaculation, oh yes .


I can't even begin to describe how embarrassing and frustrating this was for me. I'm not really a guy who lasts a long time on the first go, but THIS? What is wrong with me ](*,) !? The only explanation I could give is that I had a cold a few days ago, and my body (while no longer sick) is still a little weak. I guess you can say I am not in good health now, but would that be a reason for something this strange to come about?

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Don't think twice about it. It happens.. I was kissing an old boyfriend at the beach one night, standing on the boardwalk. It was chilly and I remember we were holding eachother close to get warm as were were kissing. He pulled away and said, "oh no......" I said, "What's wrong?" He looked down at his jeans and I figured it out. He was really embarressed, I didn't think anything of it. He said that never happened before and it didn't after that.

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and all the sudden I come! Orgasm, no; but ejaculation, oh yes .


so you ejaculated with out any sensation of orgasm?

are you sure it was just a rather hefty amount of pre cum.

the more aroused i am the more pre cum is let out.


some guys get it some dont.


or did you actualy spurt out like you just been banging on the purple headed warrrior.?

either way nothing to be ashamed of m8.

could have been worse you could have followed through an pooped yourself.. now that would be embarrassing....

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I'm not seeing why you were embarressed.




Say, "Looks like you're lucky day, you get the lightning round!"


Stick your head between her legs and goto town until your ready again or until she passes out, whichever comes first.


Your penis, is not your only tool, your hands, feet, tongue, and breathe are just as much tools if not much better ones.


You can do much more with your hands, and tongue than you can with your penis.

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Stick your head between her legs and goto town until your ready again


that is exactly what i did... gave her oral (at least one thing I can say I'm good at) and then we started having sex.


...but still, it's really strange to cum in your hand with most of your clothes still on


so you ejaculated with out any sensation of orgasm?

are you sure it was just a rather hefty amount of pre cum.

the more aroused i am the more pre cum is let out.


some guys get it some dont.


or did you actualy spurt out like you just been banging on the purple headed warrrior.?


I have no idea man, as far as I know i have never pre cumed in my entire life... mastrubation or sex. But yeah, sometimes I do ejaculate without much of "great sensation" ...does that mean I precum? It was rather a lot of sperm. ](*,)


It's probably not all that strange depending on your age. If you haven't had sex in a while and got a little too excited a little too fast that would explain it.


I have sex about once a week now, can't say I have tons of expirience (3 years with long breaks)


and no... I wasn't too excited. It was really strange, my mind wasn't there at all, but it just came out : /


any other ideas/comments/laughs ladies and gents?

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