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i love her she loves me but she broke up with me

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ok ive been seein this girl for about 4 months now and i lover her its been very good (i meen its tht kind reationship tht when other people look at us they think we are the perfect couple) but until a week ago she broke up with me and i was totaly confused cause there are no problems between us, we rarely argue and when we do its only for like two secondes and we called each other every day just like a healty relatonship - but yeh i miss her alot to much im so obsessed with her and i was so confused also cause the day before she broke up with me we went to a movie and everything was fine we kissed hugged u know the deal just until the next day she broke up with me like it was nothin im so freakin confused and upset right now!!!!!!!!!! What sould i dooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey dukster,


First off welcome to eNotalone, I hope you find us friendly and helpful.


More importantly situations like this are VERY hard to understand from you point of view. I should know, because I was in your shoes not too long ago.


Chances are everything WAS good. It's not a question of what's wrong with you... it's nothing personal. It's probably the fact things were going well and she's just not ready to settle down. That's what I've found in most of these cases. Just relax and give her time. Be there for her when she needs you but don't push starting up a relationship with her... she will want another one in time... but you have to give it that.


I hope this helps.

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I am sorry to hear about your recent breakup. All I can do is give my best advice I hope I could give, considering the lack of imformation that was presented;which I cannot blame you its hard to type it all especially when you are so upset and confused and you just want people to see the point./


Well first of all you have every right to know and find out what the reason was she broke up with you. You have the right to confront her on the phone or whatever and ask her that question. And it is her respocibilty to let you know.. because then it wouldn't be quite fair. That is all I can really say for right now. That is all you can ask and see to find out hopefully from there on you two can discuss some hot issues.


I wish you the best luck and I hoped I helped out a little.

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The best thing you can do right now is pull back and wait. TRUST ME. She (whether she knows it or not) is likely testing you to see how strong of a person you are. If you want her to come back to you, I guaranty she will if you just pull back. Don't call her, don't make an effort to bump into her, don't call her friends. I know this sounds dumb but it works. She will wonder why you aren't trying to see her and it will make her interest in you increase even more. She will then call YOU. When she actually does this is a matter of her experience and patience, but you can win the waiting game. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi...i am going through the same exact thing...my g/f of 1.5 years out of the blue just dumped me and we had a very good relationship...did everything together...i talked to her mom and she said that my ex g/f is just lost and her mind is not right currently and needs time to think things out...so i am not calling them or emailing them or ANYTHING for at least a week or two...i want her to miss me like i am missing her...you know the old saying...


"if you set a girl free and she comes back, she's yours...if not, it was never meant to be"

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