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Today I almost killed myself and I dont know why. Yes I hate my life at the moment and it just keeps going more and more down there has to be a point where it has to go up. I cant find happiness I dont know if there is any anymore. I am just laying here on the floor crying wishing that I was a bird and I could fly far far away


Goodbye Cruel World!

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Not to long ago you posted to someone who had lost a brother to suicide.

I know like you, all of our hearts sank. We try so hard to stear you in the right direction and offer support...and simply tell you we care about you.

But given the situation, and your ongoing depression... I have to just say that you must find it in your heart to seek PROFESSIONAL advice. Seeking help will not take away your choices, just offer you the advice that you need to hear. Even if you have tried it before, try it again.

Only then can you find the inner peace you are looking for.

with love,


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Look, dont do this. I know exactly how you feel, as I was at that same point during one time in my life. I know its the last thing you will want to hear, but listen, keep looking up. After a 4 month downfall, all of that turmoil I was in ended as quickly as it started, I met this amazing girl, she turned everything around for me. Things will work out for you as well, i'm sure of it. All you need to do, is take care of yourself for now. Someone or something that will completely change your outlook on life is on its way. Why not be here for it when it does come? =)

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I completely agree with Vendetta,


You should never give up hope. Things will get better, it's the ebb and flow of life. Until then hang on and know that you would be missed should you pass away. I'm sure over the time you've been posting you've helped a lot of people with their problems and I'm sure they are very appreciative of that. Consider the positive changes in their lives that couldn't have been made without your help and support. People need you here, people apreciate you here and I'm sure if you passed on you would be missed.


But don't keep living for us, do it for yourself. Times will get better they always do.


Praying for your safety,



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OMG one thing that i hope you listen to, i almost did it and its not worth it....it puts ur whole family and friends and the people that care for u in loss and unhappiness and especially you, you may not no it but once ur dead there is no way turning back and you will see everyone struggle thru life....try to work things out at first like go to councelling, thats what im gonna do (16 f) i hatre my life to but its sumthing that you have to deal with and later it will be better...just take it one step at a time and dont worry the time will come when u are happy trust me

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If theres one thing ive learned about life its that nothing forever. Wake up from the dream your having. go tell someone and get help. Remember i know theres someone who loves you sooo much they don't want to let you go. Take a deap breathe and remember that your the only one who can control your life. Tell whoever is making you sad, wether it just be the dark side or what, that they dont run you and your taking charge now.

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