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Does He like me?

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Alright I really really like this guy, We shall call him Bob*, But i don't know if he likes me. Here's my reasons to believe he does.

1) He picked me to be on his football team outa his 2 best friends and his bro.

2) After the game, he didn't talk to them, he talked to me

3) He didn't hate me when i SUCKED!

4) One night he walked me home cuz "He didn't want anything to happen to me"

5) He gave me his hat (his pride and joy) which matt says he wanted to see me again so he left it.

6) He wants his mom to hate me. So he told me to hang all over him.

7) He started a pillow fight with me

8) He gives me hugs whenever i ask for one

9) He replied with a really quick "Nope" when one of his best friend's asked if he liked me.

10) He flirts with me like all the time

11) His best friend, Which he tells EVERYTHING, referred to me as his girlfriend.


~So what do you Think? lemme know! leave ur responses, every reply can help!!


*- If you know his real name please leave it out.

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In my opinion, this is, "Bobs", first time at this whole dating experience. If you are more adept to this, you might want to help him along, and take things slow. If not, then you can do one of two things. Option 1 being: wait for him to make his move. (Even though he may take a while in doing so.) Or, option 2: flat out tell him how you feel, and see what he says/does. It's all up to you, and how soon you want this relationship to start. Remember, all this advice can only take you to a certain point in the road, the final choices are left to what you feel is right, and what you feel in your heart. Do as you see fit, not what other people want.

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