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Pain in bottom of belly?

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I am 26 weeks pregnant, and have had this constant soreness/stiffness in the bottom of my belly for at least a month. I had originally thought that it was round ligament stretching, but everything I've read says that tends to concentrate on one or both sides of the abdomen, when the pain I'm having is definitely centered. It's difficult to stand up or roll over in bed because of it, and it's worse if I stand for a long time or do any standing exercises. Has anyone ever experienced this? I'm seeing my doctor on Tuesday and will ask her about it, but wanted to get some ideas from y'all.


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Tell the doctor about your pain. This is serious. Don't hold back, and make sure your doctor explains to your satisfaction what this pain is. If necessary, at 26 weeks there are enough tests they can perform to ensure everything is ok. Ask for these tests if you need peace of mind. (i.e. more than the doctor just feeling up your stomach with his/her hand.) Best of luck with this.

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Ive had 2 kids, and Im pregnant now. EAch time I have had pain lower down like you said. It feels like its inside. Ive allways thought it is the baby resting on my bones and organs down there thats below the baby. That can be alot of weight after a while. Id even get very bad pains shooting down the nerves of my legs sometimes, probally where the baby hit a nerve. Hopefully your doc will know and will be able to make you feel better about it.

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It is really hard to tell what it might be right now. Certainly explain it to your doctor and ask for tests/ ultrasounds , etc. to confirm all is well.


I can rememember when I was pregnant both times I would get a some what painful pinching type feeeling in the middle of my lower belly just above my pubic bone.

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