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I did a mean thing. I wrote the guy I really like a mean email. I lost my head that day. My famiy sometimes puts a lot of pressure on me. Epecally my mom, she suffers from depression. Everyday I have to hear mean comments from her. Well one day. I was having a really bad day. I did the worst thing. I wrote him an email. I will never forgive myself. He was perfect, someone I can show my grandparents (the most important people in my life). Now he doesn't want anything to do with me.


My life stinks, he was the only person who brightened up my day. i loved hearing his voice very day on the phone. He was the only person who treated me nice. all I get around here is a headace. My house everyone treats me like there slave. I have to do the housework, no one can get anything for themselfs. I hate this.


I should get over him, but my days are very lonely. I live in a small town. He was the only person in a very long time who wanted to be with me. Help me get over him. I wish he would forgive me, but he wont. I'm so depressed. [/b]

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You have his number, Or better yet a way to get in touch with him..? personally (in person) not over the phone or Email...thats not showing a strong care for what you want to tell him. I would make an effort to see him in person. just you 2 alone, No one around to bother you, or make you there slave..(that must suck) tell him something like this..


Say his name is "john"



listen john, I want to say something to you, and i hope you will take it into consideration. if not Well then i tried my best to get the point accross. That nasty E-mail i wrote you a while back wasn't me BEING myself. i was in a tough time with my family (parents) and took out my frustrations on you, i can't say sorry enough for what that E-mail said. Nor should i re-state what it contained, cause none of it was True. i Now KNOW that someone like you, is hard to find your really one of a kind. your important to me. maybe without you realizing it, but Trust me all the comments i said, was just Me being stressed with everything in my life, and i shouldn't of Wrote what i did. Please Please please..(sound hurt) just talk to me again, be my friend, i enjoy everything about you, your presense, love, respect, i took for granted. and Blew you away. Not knowing that what i said in that letter would make you feel the way you are now. I can't say I'm sorry enough, but i can say i made a mistake.

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You know what, I give up. It's been a month. He's not answering the phone when I call. Who cares anymore. I"m used to being alone. I tryed so hard to find someone. When I found the right guy I blow it. I'm so mad, so mad that I can't wait for the days to end. It's all my fault that I"m alone. I'm so stupid.


I deserve to be alone. I deserve all the stupiditiy I get. I deserve to clean this house everyday. I deserve it all. He deserves someone better than me. God is punishing me, why I don't know. But I deserve it.


I hate myself so much. I hate this summer. I've had summers that have been pretty bad. But this one tops the list. Well I shouldn't be bothering all of you with my problems. I don't have anyone else to talk to.

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