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Fooled me once shame on you; twice shame on me. Third time?! What's going on here...?

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I was just wondering... if you and your ex are on 'good terms' and agreed to 'friendship' after he/she broke it off, is it considered 'normal' for him or her to invite you out shopping out of the blue some time later? I may be reading too much into this...but please read my story to help me figure this out!!


Basically, me and this guy where never really 'official' for a long time at all. But we have had a "thing" for like 8 months. He fooled me once, by stringing me along and ending up going out with someone else a few days after we broke up. Then a couple months down the line, he fooled me a second time by asking me out but then having a new girlfriend a few weeks later claiming "we were never really official" and apologising to the point of begging me to forgive him. I came to the conclusion this guy isn't a bad person, but is just deeply confused and has the typical brain of an 18 year old teenager.


Anyway, the second time we 'broke up' wherein he gave me the 'its not me its you' speech, we were on good, speaking terms: we see each other at college everyday. A month later, he asks me to go shopping with him. . I made an excuse that I was busy at that time, and he then said okay fine I'll miss my lecture and we can go earlier. . Okaaay...


So, we go, and the whole time, he is flirting SO MUCH. Okay, I know that a bit of flirting is something everyone does, and is totally harmless and meaningless most of the time. But the way he went on I was beginning to doubt the fact he still had his new girlfriend. E.g., "Oh you look so pretty when you do that... stop it, you look so fit right not... stop being a tease... you're hot when your strut you're stuff".


I'm not even a girl that is 'all that' at all, definitely no angelina jolie! He is known to be a 'flirt' with girls. But does someone with a girlfriend say things like that to another girl?!


I saw him yesterday and we talked for a while whilst we were supposed to be doing work. He was very touchy feely: waist, stomach etc. I asked him casually about his girlfriend, and he did confirm he had one. We were talking about 'in college' relationships and he said 'imagine how awkward it would be if we went out and broke up and all our friends were divided'.


Anyway I'm really confused. Is the guy trying it on with me again? Or am I reading too much into this? Please help me figure this out!](*,) xxx

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^^Loser sounds more like it.


You should be getting away from him, he does not care about you. He's basically telling you that your holding on by a thread, and is just going to keep saving you for a "just in case" realationship. You know, your his security so he can go after other girls and tell himself if it doesn't work out he has you to fall back on. It's really sad that your letting him do this, but you can stop, and turn it on him by walking away.


Don't be his confidence boost. It's that simple.

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