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well i posted yesterday about my healing

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well today this grl called me mean cuz she said she didnt wanna live anymore and i said well if that is true u need some help....she called me mean and some reason it just made me think of what my ex said to me....my ex said "breaking up with you was the best thing i ever did" that hurts soooooo bad cuz i spent 1.5 years with her and all i did was try to be the best BF ever and thats what i get.. seriously i hate this im soooooooo respectful to grls and look at what my ex said to me! i apologized to her for what i said and she never did for what she said....i tried giving her a note saying im sry but all she did was say NO I DONT WANT THAT.... i said please kaylee take it and she said NO! what the h e l l all i was doing is try to make things a lil better between us....it just hurts and i just need to get that out..

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Hi, I read your previous post...


Back off! and fast...


Anyone who is telling you that they don't want to live anymore DOES need help, and right now I don't think you are the person to be there for here, she needs proffessional help... nor should you be getting yourself involved in such an emotional situation.


All she is doing is being demeaning and unrespectful to your feelings. Do you really want that? Is it really good for you especially seeing as you have such strong feelings for her? I can't possibly imagine so... She has issues that she needs to be getting help for and you need to look out for yourself, and not letting yourself get hurt anymore.


I suggest you stop writing her notes, stop saying you are sorry because you have already done that now and you don't want to feed her ego anymore that you would do anything to get her back, so why keep doing it? Stop putting yourself through more and more pain.


Give yourself space, between you and her until she seeks help. I don't really see your situation getting any better until she gets these problems rectified.

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you guys read it all wrong It wasnt my ex that said " i dont wanna live anymore" "You are sooo mean" that was this grl that likes me and im good friends with it was my ex that said " the best thing i ever did was break up with you" " i will never go out with a guy like you again" and saying no to reading my note

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