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Help Me!! pls online romance

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I met this Guy online in Nov 2001 and finally meet him face to face in February 2003 . Well i live in the caribbean and he lives in Europe but he sent me a ticket to visit him for three weeks . everything seems good but now that i'm back home i wish i was still with him . my problem is i like him alot but i'm scared that we will not make it cause of the distance we spoke about me moving but that seems impossible . Pls Help with any suggestions

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Distance is a major factor only if you want to start a family. Otherwise the saying "absense makes the heart grow fonder" should tell you time apart can be a great thing. For one the sex will be A LOT better with time between each occurrence.


As long as you can trust him and he you this relationship could be very rewarding, not as much physically as you might like but I wouldn't worry about it for now. If in the future things are still good then you should consider finding a comprimise... Perhaps you could look for jobs in Europe Pre-move or he could do the same. Things will work out, but you'll have to put in some effort... make that a lot of effort.


I hope this helped and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

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thanks guys for ur advice . we both want this to work and i trust him alot and he trust me. we are online every night despite the time difference . well we will see what happens . but if anyone have any more comments feel free to post

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