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What would I do?

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We've broken up twice but still, now, were together again. But, im not so sure anymore. I'm not sure that he really loves me. I doubt him. Am i wrong for not trusting him? He doesnt have time for me anymore, eventhough he told me that he's gonna change before we've gotten together again.. am i wrong of accepting him again? he always tell me that he's just busy that he couldnt call me, or meet me. he's different, it feels like he doesnt want to spend his time with me anymore. And another thing, he have this girl that he chats with. If his cousin havent told about her, then , surely i wouldnt know about what he's doing. He doesnt have time for me but he have time to chat with her, isnt that unfair? im his girlfriend not her. is it right if i would i break up with him? But, i think, im tooweak..... i cant.... i still love him eventhough he doesnt care about me anymore... but im having a hard time right now, i cant concentrate on my studies this past few days because of too much thinking of him, of what im gonna do....

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There is obviously a problem in the relationship, that being that you are feeling neglected. I would suggest being honest with him, and tell hi exactly what you posted. Tell him that you feel left out, and that you do not understand how he has time to chat with another girl, which HE didnt tell you about, but he has no time for you. I understand the desire to commit oneself to work, and work for a better life, but none of that is worth anything if you are denying things in life to yourself or the ones you love. I know that from first hand experience...


Good luck, hope things work out for you

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Hey x-girl,


I strongly agree with WTI. You can't go through a relationship like this. It isn't wrong for you to be untrusting persay but it'll cause the relationship to fail again guarenteed. What you need to decide for yourself is : can you trust him? If you can't forget it and move on. If you don't you'll end up getting hurt worse later.


As for this girl he's chatting with? I wouldn't worry about that. We all know you can mean to only chat for 15 minutes and end up there for 2 hours. It's no biggie. I usually chat while I do my homework, but I certainly wouldn't be on the phone or invite someone over.


It's true as his girlfriend you should have a bigger part in his life then a random chat partner BUT as a girlfriend you should care about his feelings and what makes him happy, as he should care about yours.


Truly just explain to him how you feel. Leave out the chat girl, because it's nothing to worry about and he might just think this is all a jealousy issue; overlooking the fact that you just want him to be around more.


I wish you the best of luck and I hope this helped in some way.

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