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Well it seems like everywhere is go all i do here about her. we broke it off 4 months ago and decided we would try to work things out.....well 3 weeks ago we said we will start to move on...a few days later she is hanging out with this other kid and now i think there together. but back to why i keep hearing about her...last night i was at my friends and we were chillin by a fire...this kid says to me hey jeremy what happened between you and her..i told him i dont wanna talk about it he said well this kid is trying to * * * * her and that is the kid who she is somewhat with...its hurts to hear that after 1.5 years she can move on like this and it hurts that she is going even lower to these kind of guys that try to get in girls pants guys that arent respectful to girls.. i dont know if i should say something to her cuz i still love her and i dont wanna see her get scwered over or should i let everything go?? (P.S. sry for the language)

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Don't say anything to her. Just keep up with the NC. You're not together anymore, and she can date whoever she wants even if they are slimeballs.


You did the right thing telling your friend you didn't want to talk about it. Tell your friends you don't want to hear about her anymore because you're not interested.

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