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Update- the date with ex is tonight- conversation enders?

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Hello all - have dinner plans with the ex tonight, my story is below



I have no intent to bring up the past. I want to have a nice dinner and enjoy his company. I guess I have a question about what he may want. If he brings it up, or alludes to it as he might, do I talk about the past and the break-up? Do I become vague? I can't see him launching into a huge discussion of what happened since in the past he always asked for my thoughts before he spoke his.


Also, how do I end this "date?" A "call you soon?"


Any advice appreciated

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Dont spend too long on the date, u might be temoted too but dont, maybe 2hrs max for dinner or so, your call.

Dont beg him, or get emotional and upset

Be cheerful, laugh, be friendly, listen, let him do most of the talking

End on a good note.

Dont make plans for the next one unless he brings it up

Dont discuss the relationship, unless he brings it up and then let him take the lead, dont get into arguments, and if he gets defensive, pls dont argue. Defuse the argument by accepting blame, and eventually he might even start defending you. Get the talking back to something light and friendly.


End it with simply "Its been nice, Take care". Leave it up to him to tell u "Call you soon"

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