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I Screwed Things Up

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So basically, me and this girl were decent friends. And I liked her alot. And I still do, but a few months ago I said some horrible * * * * to her while I was pissed about something else. This is pretty much as mean as it gets. I have no idea what to do. I feel so bad and I keep trying to get her to trust me again and to talk and to have things like it used to be. I keep trying to tell her 'you can trust me' but she just gets pissed. Now this girl is amazingly beautiful and I am so upset that we aren't like we were. This is really hard because I have no idea what to do, so I decided to turn to the enotaloners. Anyone know what I can do to this girl? There's gotta be something I can do.


And if I wasn't explicit enough, just tell me. I may have not made sense (I usually don't)

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She sounds like she really holds grudges. Some women are like that. Trust me, I am one! LOL


I would just keep trying to talk to her and be her friend. Maybe send her flowers or something special. Don't just tell her that you want things to be the way they were, but actually show her and prove to her that you mean what you are telling her.

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