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Feeling like I have to go alone in life

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I've been having these thoughts that just make me feel, well alone. Like, all this stuff has been happening lately and I feel like I can't go to anyone for them because they won't care. Like, my parents, I don't think they'd understand or if they would take the time to not make snap decisions about it. My friends I don't think they listen. So, it feels like I'm by myself in most stuff that I'm goin' through. Plz, help.






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Well, ya see, I moved to this new town last summer. So, all the friends I thought I could talk to are a long way from here. The ones here act like they don't listen. There was only 1 friend I had here. His name was Branson. He was the youth leader of my mom's new church. We both grew up in the same town at different times. We loved doing the same things and loved our hometown. It was a miracle we met. But he got fired one day. It wasn't my mom's fault though. Some of the parents thought he wasn't responsible enough. He went away a long time ago without saying goodbye. And I don't know, but I've never got over it. Maybe it was that I felt he would help every time I needed him but when he just left....I guess it just really hurt. So now it just feels that I can't go to anyone with any problem. Not even my own 'rents. I still am kinda depressed about it, and ppl hate me for not letting go of it, but they don't understand. He was my brother. He even said he would be my brother since my real one just moved out. And now I can't find him and I can't help but miss him. So, there's my story.

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It's difficult for people to be willing to give their time to others, most people are selfish and even if that's not nice you have to learn to be okay with it. And sometimes we find people who are different but life is constantly changing and often those friends leave our lives too, for various reasons, what you have to think here is that you have to be okay on your own or with friends because at times you'll have people to rely on but others you'll be alone.


Neither situation is bad, and that you don't have friends now because you've just moved doesn't mean you'll never have new friends again.


The relationship with your parents can improve, I assume you are very young and at that point in life things can get tricky, parents panic and get concerned about what decisions their "kids" will be doing when they are not around, but, same as with other people, that doesn't mean they'll be hyper forever, little by little they get used to things and relax a bit.


Give it time, and enjoy your own company, there's a charm in being alone for a while too.

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I see. It can be hard to let go, especially when it seems your only just seems to leave your life all of a sudden. I suggest try to make other friends. I know it will not be that simple, especially when you seem to cling to this past. But is there any chance he's returning? You don't have to go alone in life and you can make frieinds to help you go in life. But Remember him. As long as he exists in your memory for now, than you do not have to let go...yet.

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