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Does he like me?

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I can't do it... I'm at school right now in IB English, and I already finished my work, so.. .But yeah, I saw him today when I was printing off a paper for IB English in the Media Center and we started joking with eachother.. I just can't do it... I can't..... I'm such a freakin' coward... I don't want it to be awkward between us ya know??

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I can't do it... I'm at school right now in IB English, and I already finished my work, so.. .But yeah, I saw him today when I was printing off a paper for IB English in the Media Center and we started joking with eachother.. I just can't do it... I can't..... I'm such a freakin' coward... I don't want it to be awkward between us ya know??


Nah, I don't think you're a coward. It's called a natural feeling. I think if you plan on saying something, of course it's nervewracking, and you'll be afraid it'll come out less casual than you intended. It's hard to say, "you have a crush on me, don't you" without turning red in the face--I know at the least I'd turn beet red. I like the idea of it, though...I'm not saying it wouldn't work, but it's hard to do. If you still can't do it then, I have a suggestion for an alternative approach...just continue talking/joking with him and such, but kick the flirting up a notch.


Btw, I think it's a real good sign that he talks about you outside of gym class. And teasing is a good sign as well.

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Thanks guys, I think I'll just do what cranberry suggested and keep talking/joking with him and such, but kick the flirting up a notch! lol


Today, made my day, he was in his car leaving school and I was at mine getting ready for my soccer game, and he rolls down his window, yells my name, I turn to look and he did this lil' cute wave! was totally awesome, hahaha

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