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I'm Having a Hard Time Coming Up With Phone Conversations...

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I recently started talking to this guy from Vo-Tech, he's really sweet and I like him, but when we get on the phone it's mostly silence because we can't think of anything to talk about. It's been awhile since I had to engage in phone conversation with a guy, but I really like him and I don't want to lose his interest because he thinks I'm boring. Help!

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It's about 100 times easier to engage in conversation with someone on the phone AFTER you know them. It is next to impossible to get to know someone just by speaking to them in the phone headset. Go to his house or go to a school function with him. It easier to talk if you two are together in person and sharing the same sights and experiences.

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Hi PsychoChick.


All good conversations have various interesting topics. Just stick to one for awhile, then move to the next.


Here's a quick list of various topics to get the conversation.


You can probably add many more.


1. School Past or present/ his or yours. Location. Favorite subjects, classmates .pranks.


2. favorite's movies, actors, music, song's etc;,.


3. Most embarrassing moments his and yours


4. Goals his/ yours


5. greatest achievements his/ your's


6. funniest thing ever witnessed


7. scariest thing that ever happened


8. belief's (i.e; God, U.F.O's, Ghost's, Life-after-death. reincarnation, E.S.P., etc;.)


That's only eight. I'm sure you can come up with more. Make it fun. Be yourself! It's all about getting to know each other.


Sage Eagle[/u]

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  • 2 months later...

i know how u feel before i was like that. it is pretty easy talking on the phone.


1.u dont; see that person face to face so u not going to be nervous.


2. just go with the flow. example


me your day?

her well i just got pay but on the way home my car broke down.


now see u have two choice u can talk about what that person going to do with the money or what happen o the car. and the art of conversation is listen 7 talk only 3. why let me ask u don;t u just like to talk about thing u like and share your info about the world? and the answer is yes everyone let to talk about themselve dont; we all? another example this is a true story i was talking to this girl and the whole time all i did was asking question and listening to her. and after the conversation she was like u know what it was really nice talking to u. in my mind i was like how was that a nice conversation when she does all the talking then i realize everyone like people to listen to there story. and one last thing don;t just ask question like u are interviewing that person sometime speak what on your mind but just like the other person do more talking. i hope that help

u if u have any problem just ask me.

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