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alrighty! who knows about the "bases"?? haha

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OK! heres a question: i always hear about ppl getting to "2nd base" and such...can someone clarify on what each of the "bases" are? ive done SOME stuff w/ guys and my friend told me that i had gone to 2nd base....i was like...."ggrrreeeaaatt" lol sooo anyways...i have SOME idea but im not sure and would like to be! so itd be great if someone could help out! thanx!


p.s. who decided to compare fooling around to baseball anyways?? haha

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OK! my older brother just came in and told me that 1st base was any and all kissing, 2nd base was feeling up and hand jobs/fingering, 3rd base was oral sex, and "running the bases" or hitting a grand slam was going all the way....wow thats sooo dumb tho! haha i mean BASEBALL? i think thats a little random! haha anyone else have something different?


p.s. hey dreamingtree520, i guess w/ these comparisons i think ur right there must be an umpire! haha jk

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