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What should I expect?

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Hey everyone.


I'm not in a relationship now nor have I ever been and I was wondering what to expect when I meet that special someone for the first time. I know I'll be a bit nervous because I'll actually be with a man for the first time and I would like to not be nervous . I know every relationship starts in its own way, but I guess I'm just asking for the "basics". Thanks in advance

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There are no basics. If true love finds you, you will be blown off your feet. You can plan for dating, but everything about love is mysterious to me. All the planning I did meant nothing, because pure love is so mysterious, and happens when and where you least expect it to.

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thanks for the reply. That makes so much more sense and it also explains why I always get so confused when I "feel" something for a guy. I mean I get this weird feeling in my chest area and I get lightheaded. The feeling is so good and at first it fightened me because I didn't understand it. But now I believe it to be the feeling of love for another person

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