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Attraction - Principles

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Hi! Well this is something I've been thinking about for a while. I'm sure most of us on here will agree that whilst looks are nice, a good personality is the most important thing to hold a relationship together.


I'm thinking from a guy's point of view here of course, but to get me accross to talk to a girl there's got to be something to get me off my seat and walk accross. With looks that's easy – "Wow, look, a gorgeous girl"! – But how can one tell if she (Or he, for the ladies) has that spark to make anything "special"? How should one sense that she is different to anyone else, or is there just no way?


These are just thoughts of mine; perhaps I'm on totally the wrong course as far as finding a partner goes…


Comments welcome. Thanks for reading, Doc

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but to get me accross to talk to a girl there’s got to be something to get me off my seat and walk accross. With looks that’s easy – “Wow, look, a gorgeous girl”! – But how can one tell if she (Or he, for the ladies) has that spark to make anything “special”? How should one sense that she is different to anyone else, or is there just no way?


Well to really know they are diffrent,you have to get to know them and talk to them.that to me that the only "real" way.you might also be attracted to her laugh,seeing her smile and interact with other people,there are so many ways that are not totally superficial.


hope it helps a little.

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Well, from a girl's point of view, it would be weird if someone just came up to me and asked me on a date or something. But I went to the grocery store with a Slipknot shirt on as I was walking in a guy was walking out and just started making casual conversation about the band. (Bad news is I thought he was just being friendly but my friend said he was SOO hitting on me lol)


I would say your best bet is to walk up to someone and start talking. But if you can't just walk up to her, then maybe you shouldn't, because if you are just hanging around and staring at her, or even keep glancing at her, she's going to feel uncomfortable. Just get up some guts and walk over. Say "Hi my name is (your name here), I just notice you were (whatever they were just doing as you were walking up, but nothing perverted or weird)." Good reaction will be if she smiles and replies with either her name or something about what she was doing, or even something about you.


Good luck, and I hope I helped. I know I'm not a guy and I never asked anyone out or anything, but I have helped some of my guy friends in this area. Oh and I think that you can't know if "she's the one" unless you do actually talk to her, but if you see her doing something you like, or even I don't know driving a car you like. That's a good start.

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