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my ex and i just broke up a week ago cuz of a stupid mistake i made and i regret ever doing it...him and one of his friends came over to my house one night and i was feeling majorly guilty about what i did and i love him so much so i decided to tell him...they were over here for about an hour before i finally got the balls to say anything to him and when i did i just started bawling and he held me and said he knows and not to worry about it...so that night we talked on the phone until the sun came up and right after that i went over to his house to talk about it...i got over there and it was going great until my dad called and said he was on his way to come get me, thats when we started talking about it...all the sudden i was holding him and he looked down and started crying saying he loved me so much and he knows he didnt always call when he said he would but he was working on it...thats when he finally said he doesnt think its gonna work out...i was thinking about it the whole way home and it didnt sink in until i got home and called him and asked him if he really ment it...i started bawling once again and he said it will be ok and he'll always be there for me...then he said he couldnt listen to me like this and he'll have to call me back...we hung out a few days after that and things were great he said he didnt feel weird around me and he told me he loved me and all last week he would call me during his lunch to tell me he loved me...i thought everything was going great until he came over and we were going out to get some liquor and i gave him some money and he called this girl to come get him and he said he was going to come back but he never did and thats the last time i've talked to him...i talked to his brother and he's dating that girl that came to get him...i'm so heartbroken i've been like this for 2 weeks now and its not going away...the first week i couldnt eat and if i tired it would come back up...i still cant sleep cuz i keep thinking about him with another girl and all the good times we had together...i hate being lead on its the worst feeling in the world..i know i'm the one who messed up but i dont think i deserve all of this....how can i just stop thinking about it or how can i get over it

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. My only advice is to gather what positive things you can from your experience and move on. Don't dwell on the fact that he is no longer with you, how about thinking about what you have learned and gained from him?


Right now the wounds are still fresh, don't worry about being so upset right away. These things take time. You will heal and move on eventually, just take it one day at a time.


Like CamaroJoe said, get out with your friends. I also find working out and running is a great ways to get mind off of sad things. Good luck and we will be here for you.

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i was reading another forum and since this guys ex was avoiding him...he decided to write her a letter explaining everything he wants to say to her since he has no way of talking to her...i was thinking about writing my ex and telling him everything i've been wanting to say...do u think this would be a good move or do u think i should just let it go?

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Writing a letter to your ex can be a good thing if it gives you the closure you want. Is that why you want to write the letter? My advice for writing the letter is this.


Write it and then store it away for a few days. Read it again, if you still feel that everything you said is good then send it off. If you feel that it doesn't say what you want then rewrite it or put it away. I have written letters to my ex and given it to her other ex's I have not given it to her. All depends on the situation I guess.


Just make sure you don't act when you are upset you might regret it later.

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thats all i ask from him is closure...once i have that i think i'll be ok...i've been trying and trying to contact him but it just doesnt work...i just want closure and maybe have a really good friendship out of it cuz i would always have a great time with him and i still want him in my life...i think i will keep the letter up for a few days so i dont wake up one morning and regret sending it...thanx for the advice i've needed it for awhile

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What did you do to piss him off?


Maybe it was just an excuse? Men do this sometimes b/c they are cowards and do not want to tell you the truth. Do you know if he may have been dating this girl while you were with him?


Its seems strange that he already had a back up plan before you were even out of the picture?


I know this b/c my ex blamed a lot of things on me for our breakup, when he really was just cheating and trying to come up with reason to blame me. I blamed myself for many weeks for our break up, then I realized that I was not all to blame, there is nothing that anyone can do to someone to justify lying and cheating. (nothing)


Breakups are a 50-50 thing do not blame yourself, it is not all your fault I am sure. Write the letter and give it to him. I think it was really tacky for him to have some other bimbo pick him up from your house. Stop calling him, men do not like to talk to thier ex's for the first few week-months. He will contact you b/c it looks like he really cared for you. My ex contacted me after 3 months. Try to do as much as you can to move on.

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Breakups are so hard to deal with isn't? Especially when you know that your ex is dating someone else. I what you're going through...you can't eat nor sleep. Your thoughts are constantly with him and/or what he's doing with "her".


Writing him that email sounds good for closure but what if you begin to expect that he'll email you back then your going to feel worse. I'd say just leave him be and just move on with your life.

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This is what happened...i went out with his friend ,jeff, and he said we would go to the mall and stop by josh's(ex) house and pick him up then we got close to the mall and he said he wanted to stop by his apartment to show me their camping stuff, cuz i was goin to go camping with them, and i had been drinking alittle too much and i dont remember much but jeff said we had sex...so yeah he has a good reason to act like that...yeah we really did care for each other when we broke up he started crying and he's one of those guys who think they are all tough and stuff...ur right about the other girl thing but he didnt meet her until a few days ago...i wrote the letter telling him how i feel but i'm gonna mail it to him and i told him i wouldnt blame him if he didnt call me or even write me back that i would understand i just want him to know how i feel

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