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Impotence... At 18?!

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I'm in a loving relationship, with the perfect girl...


However, for the past 2 days, I have not been able to attain a full erection. And any partial erection I get is not hard or solid enough for exual intercourse...


What the HECK is happening to me!! I'm only 18!! One day it worked, the next it didn't...


I really feel like less of a man because of it.



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If it's only been 2 days, it probably isn't a big deal. I would say if you've been able to have full erections before, then there must be something around the past 2 days that has caused this. Stress? Overtired? Too much to drink? Getting sick? Things like this...very rarely is this a physical issue at your age...


Also, it could be that you need to spice up your love life a bit. Try new things to get you more excited...

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Hey man, i have a similar problem and i did when i was your age too. Sometimes i could get it up, sometimes i couldn't. It was like a 50/50 shot. I am pretty sure it was due to psychological reasons. I ended up getting on viagra and it has made my sex life wonderful(when i have one, no sex life at this moment ). So don't feel too ashamed, i'm sure alot of guys have this problem.


If your problem continues for a while you might want to consider viagra, but it is way to early for you to try that now. You might of just had an unlucky two days.

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Do you suppost it could be nerves/performance anxiety?


Sometimes that happens, and then once it happens, the reminder hits you psychologically when the situation happens again, causing it to repeat itself.


The other question I have for you is, are you taking any medications?

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  • 2 weeks later...

same problem mate,

been having regular sex for weeks (4-7x a week), am 18

it happened once, and now i worry about it happenin again, which leads to it happenin again as i think about it so much.


giving it a few days then gp here i come...


dont know if its relevant, but it seems rather in line with giving up smoking, maybe the extra stress atm is causing it (hope so!)

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