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What to do to move on with your life?

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The last couple of months there have been days when I have woken up really depressed. I get up and dont feel motivated to get on with the day, i just wanna lie there all day long.

For anyone who has experienced this feeling (i know most of you have) what is your trick to get motivated and get on with ur day/life???

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really tough one....

I spent almost a year like this after my break-up. In order to make myself feel better, I did it all! Read books on every related topic from motivation to breaking up, being sure I had things to do with friends, work...(asking them to pile it on), my kitty..(gotta get up to feed the cat!), therapy, family and exercise.

The hard part was that after a few months you feel funny about telling friends you can't get out of bed. Their answer is...so just get up....lol

The best you can do is let the time pass, it is quite ok to be feeling down and bad. If it starts to effect your work or relationships talking to a professional helps qutie a bit.

Hang in there! It gets better!

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