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Well, Ive decided to renovate my appearance, as I'm coming out of a pretty nasty breakup, and I need the kickstart. Physically, I'm in good shape, so Im not worried about that part right now. The thing is, something Ive always wanted to change about myself is my wardrobe. I usually wear some torn up jeans with an old tshirt. Now, I know that I shouldnt compromise what I like for something else, nor should I just randomly wear what someone tells me to wear. I feel though that I would at least like to try something new, just to see how it feels. That being said, does anyone have any advice as to stuff that looks nice, but not super dressy, and is fairly cheap? It would help too if some of the ladies could describe what they think looks good on guys...

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well i'm not somebody that you should under any circumstances take fashion advice from. i personally LIKE guys in old jeans and a t-shirt. especially concert / music related shirts. but if youre sick of it... you could try wearing a semiformal longsleeved white shirt with a collar, and a t-shirt over it. i think that looks pretty cool. if you usually wear baggy jeans, try tighter ones. if you wear them fairly tight, try wearing them baggy. as for where to shop... i would have no clue, i shop at the salvation army. but if youre looking for cheap, thats the way to go .

maybe you could try a new hair cut / style / colour?


sorry about the totally unhelpful post

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Well, I would say first of all that you are doing good by using the break up to motivate a positive change for yourself...


What I would do is go out and look through some men's magazines and find a style or mix of styles that you like. Then go down to your local TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Ross (hey, you said cheap ) and find somethings similar. It might help to ask some female friends what would look good on you too for some more personal input too...

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Id say get all new day to day accessories as well, not necessarily that expensive, just new stuff that looks a bit different and like youve moved on. After one of my breakups I bought myself a ring that I wear pretty much everyday, it was for me and me alone and back then signified me coming out of one phase of my life. I also got a new bag (plain, cheap) and customised it.

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Wearing new clothes helps you feel better & it can make you look good too! I say go to your local mall & go to places that most kids hang out to shop. You can find a whole variety of clothing styles. Just browse around & find a style that you like & makes you feel comfortable in. Then you can also maybe perhaps change your hair style. If you have alot of hair, why not cut it off? Or just do something different. Get something pierced or get a tattoo...


Well hoped I helped..

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