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We broke up about a month ago, I initiated no contact one week ago, and now he emails me telling me that his friend's show is going to be on t.v. tonight and that I should watch... he then ends it with "hope you are well"


Why did he email me??? I was actually doing ok today... Should I respond? I miss him so much, but I am trying hard to be strong... Why do they contact you even when you have asked them not to????????????


p.s. we broke up becuase he wasn't sure if he was ready to take the next step with me, confused, etc.


Advice would be greatly appreciated!

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My thoughts would be to NOT reply back and to block his email address from sending to you. That would at least stop that part. If he calls, dont accept his calls. I would suggest staying strong and work on yourself and dont dwell at all about him. GO out and do things with your friends. Have fun and dont attempt contact with him. Show him that you are living life no matter what, and not fretting over him. The keeping contact, makes it so hard to let it all go. Good luck !.

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Hey there... I would not read too much in his attempt to contact you. Sometimes ex's just tend to do that in order to see how you are doing, whether you miss them, etc... It's not because they still do care about you. I have had the experience that after breaking up some people still do feel some sort of "responsibility" for their ex...but basically it's just they are trying to still be part of something, they do not belong to anymore: your life. So do not let his attempts to contact you pull you down. Stay strong, do not write back, ignore his attempts to contact you and take your time to heal. It was his choice not to be part of your life anymore, so he now has to deal with the consequences...


Wish you all the best!

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