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She says it was all my fault, and that I'm causing all the pain...I was the one who did all that I could to help her in every way. I brought her places, I brought her into my life...my family, my heart...and she didn't even care! I hate this...god I hate this...dammnnn thiiss

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She says it was all my fault, and that I'm causing all the pain...I was the one who did all that I could to help her in every way. I brought her places, I brought her into my life...my family, my heart...and she didn't even care! I hate this...god I hate this...dammnnn thiiss


You were honest to her that you cant wait 3 years .... that is the bottom line.. she has to realize if she has choosen to not talk to her parents or even introduce the idea then you have made your choice too... compromise has to be done by both the parties not one...

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I know..but this still hurts like hell...and I don't like it...at all I know I did what I had to do...I know....but it still hurts alot...I'm meeting her tomorow to get my things, and for me to give hers back...it's going ot be so hard...

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wow, man im so sorry to hear that. but from what it sounds like, it could all be for the better. love shouldnt be that hard. youll find some one, you seem like a totally reasonable and logical guy


i dont know if thisll help you or hurt you. hopefully help: i talked things over with my gf and things are so much better, she really took it to hurt, and cried so hard. it really showed me she cared. now i see where this could have gone if i hadnt talked it over, and i cant do that to her, the way she did it to you.


keep strong brutha, ive been nothing but dumped my whole life and im here for you

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Look, if you don't break free from this girl once and for all, you're going to end up becoming a true sap. And you know what? Based on how shabbily she treats you, she probably would have ended up dumping you down the road and then you REALLY would have been feeling awful.


Now, chin up! Re-read this entire thread, and get it through your head this girl treats you like crap. Even if her parents knew about you, how could you want a girl who ridicules your presents as ugly? I'm sorry...this girl is a jerk, plain and simple. Now don't be a chump and continue to pine for such an ungrateful brat. Be thankful you're free to move on to someone normal, nice, and more respectful. Unless you like being a doormat??

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Re-read my post...sorry, I got a little heated there, lol. But I have a nephew your age, and if some girl was treating him the way you've been treated, I would be outraged.


You honestly sound like a good, decent guy. Not a doormat, just a sweetie. Please, don't waste those wonderful qualities on someone who will never value them the way they should. Find an equally sweet girl. You deserve it, and whoever she turns out to be, so does she.

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----The update----


Hello everyone!

Well, it's been done two days ago, I'm taking it rather well. I've thought it all over and through, and I am better off this way. No, I odn't like being a doormat Scout...not at all...which is why I did this. I have felt sad, I mean...1 year that I was with her...however, I am happier then sadder. Which tells alot about how I really felt about this. I've learned alot from this experience, alot. And I wont ever take crap from anyone else, ever. Trust me...I've learned alot...

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Scout, I just read your post. It's ok, I know I sorta diserved what she did to me, because I let her...I can't believe I was that stupid to let her do it to me. I should have stopped it a long time ago. Don't worry Scout, all is well.

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Well...you may have moments of regret or uncertainty, so feel free to post away here instead of emailing or calling her. And do stay your good-natured and good-hearted self...but for people who are the same in return for you.

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I will always be myself, and I hope I never change. I just refuse to be treated the way I have been by her ever again. It was unfair to me, and hurt me. But don't worry, I will not be changing at all, I just refuse to be treated that way every again. Thank you everyone for talking to me about this...thing...that's hapened in my life. You've all helped me out alot to figure out what I wanted, and how to get to it. I shall keep posting to help people, and see if I can help anyone. I'll also be cheking the other forums. See if I can get advice for other things. Thanks again everyone, and as for Forjamrin, I'm glad that everything has worked out with your gf. I'm happy for you. Just make sure you talk to her, that's what is important. Tell her how you feel, and everyhting will be ok mate. Good luck to you, and I'll be posting, as said before.

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