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it seems i am imprisoned in the friend zone. The woman i am after currently has a boyfriend. How do i remove myself from the friend zone and get the boyfriend out of the picture. In a kind way that does not revolve upon throwing stones.

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Don't get involved.

I don't agree when most people call others "Home Wreckers", so I won't go near that, but just understand that if she saw something better in you than in her current boyfriend, she would have left already. You just have to stay away from that one, it's best for you to wait it out if you're still interested.


You know her well enough to be this interested, so she obviously knows you as well. Just let her be, if it was right, she'd leave him for you. If not, it wasn't meant to be. Just try not to get in the way of someone else's happiness. You wouldn't want her to fall for some other guy while she was with you, just because he wanted you out of the picture, right?



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