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This is a pretty naive question, but...

When people ask someone out (and by that I mean, more like asking if they'll be their bf/gf), do they still phrase it as 'Will you go out with me?', or are there much better ways of asking once your older?


EDIT: In fact, when people do say like 'ask her out', 'should I ask here out', what do they literally mean? Like I said, this is naive, but the last time I actually asked the question/was asked properly, was years ago. XD


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Not naive at all but with the changing world, language changes also. Some of the newer phrases and terms for things just baffle me and I am hardly a pensioner.


Anyway you didnt say how old you are or how well you know the other person but basically, yes. Just say something along the lines of what you said.


"Would you like to go out with me to.........................."

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I don't think that's naive at all. I commend you for asking.


When I personally say, "ask her out" I am meaning for a date or out to do something.


When you want to ask someone to commit to you, I guess I would tell them how I feel, let them know that I want to be with just them and ask them if they can commit to me.


It may feel a bit akward at first but it should get easier after its out there. Good luck.

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