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seperating friends

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what can i do about wanting to keep my different group of friends separate? I don't like mixing them because there might be some things I tell some people that others dont know about, and then things get out that I didnt want to. Anyone ever experience this?

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No.. I'm myself, but I think that with some friends that you know longer, you are a certain way, and you play a certain role, and with new friends you have the abilty to do things differently or simply experience being with new people rather than the same people all the time. I appreciate all my friends, but sometimes i rather hang out with my lifelong friends from childhood, were i can just unwind because they know me so well, with newer friends, we are still getting to know each other so i might have to watch what i say or do just a little more, but i still enjoy them equally but for different reasons. any more advice?

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The good thing about keeping friends separate...you get to experience different types of fun with each.


I have my nerd friends, my professional friends, my goof off friends, my road trip/travel friends, my secret-swapping friends, my party friends, my philosophical friends.... I don't mix them, I like them apart! Some are older, some same age, some younger, some are married, some are single, some are outgoing, some are shy....


I make the joke, if I ever get married, my reception's gonna have so many diverse types of people, it'll look like a doctor's office waiting room!

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That sounds pretty normal to me. I have friends I yuk it up with, smoke cigars and swap insults, while others are more reserved and sensitive.

They're all good people but have different styles that I feel at home with.

I sure wouldn't tell certain jokes to the crowd at my mother's senior home that I'd use with my other friends.

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