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Conversation Starters/Topics to talk about on a date?

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Help me I need some Conversation Starters/topics to talk about, I covered all the basic ones but I really need something that will put me on her good side and ease both of our minds on our date. I kinda asked a girl out that i've only known for a week.....see she has been throwing signs and hints my way trying to get me to ask her out......So I did..... but now that i've talk to her for a whole week we have run out of things to talk about. I really don't want to go out with her anymore cause I don't talk much and I don't want to be a bore to her.......but I will go out with her since I asked I won't back out thats not me...HELP. I don't want to call of the date just because I don't have anything to talk to her about..........if anything she will before me.....LOL

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Hummmm well conversation between 2 people has to be universal, Back and forth like a ping pong ball...Don't Smash the conversation into a heavy Dead End topic like "oh my cars goes 165 mph in 10.3 sec's" blah blah blah or "i just broke up with my ex-girlfriend, shes such a B**Ch" things like that just stay away from. i would ask her questions, Instead of you trying to think. and Stress your brain, in turn think of Questions. that would start of something like...."You ever been bunji-jumping or sky diving" that one really gets a reaction..usually a Reply like "OMG no But i so want to try it" Then capitalize on what she said back by saying "you want to go try it, we should do it together sometime" (if your not a chicken...) Just overall make her the center of attention focus on what she is saying just don't sit and NOD your head up and down at everything thats being said..then you show your not interested in what she has to say...But a Conversation Starter is so hard to come about....It's not a Planned thing, you know what i mean...if you Sit and think to hard about what your going to talk about most likely, Well that chance will never be presented...just go with the flow...talk about sports/cars/music/the good places to eat/favorite foods/best moment of her life/best moment of yours/does she like animals, if so what ones...Just your basic Topics* but avoid things like WAR, Terrorist, Your car, DON'T BRAG is what i think is the most important. You don't want to show Vanity. instead show a positive personality in what you talk about.. which will make her want to get to know you more.

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Ya I could do that but I have already learned almost all I can bout the girl I know she is interested in me cause she went after me and I just let her so....... and we arent sopose to go out till this weekend I asked her out to freakin early..........O MAN ...........so what doI do now?????????........she is going to find out how boring I am if I can't find a common ground with her before the weekend, and another thing she calls me allot so she is always looking to talk.

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Hey, if she likes to talk so much, then dont wry bout ne thing. She will find things to talk about. Ya kno how wen u sit with ur friends u always have somthing to say even if its meaningless? just let it go like that. Talk about ne thing and everything. Talk about clothes u see if u go to the mall, food u eat if u go out to dinner, ya get my point? Just let it go and loosen up. Damn i need to take this advice 2.

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one thing that i always find useful is "what are you into" thereforeeeeee you two can match up to what you both are into and use that as your topic. like if you both are into cars! and know alot about them, you can invite her or him over sometime to work on the moter for a while! one thing leads to another! did i acually type that???

good luck

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