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I plan to tell her i love her :D


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My personal experience with telling my boyfirend I loved him (I'm pretty bold) was we went to a park after a romantic dinner. We sat on the bench and talked, watching a soccer team of little girls play in the field near by. We started joking around and play fighting and soon we were wrestling- he picked me up and spinned me round and round and round in circles. I felt sooo sick! I started screaming and finally he plopped me down on the grass and lay beside me- everything was spinning, for the both of us, I'm sure, and I just looked at him and asked him if he loved me. Did I love him, he asks. Yes. The rest is history


If you want to really go all out, or if your girl is a little more high maintainance and expects something EXTRAORDINARY, my friend Bianca's experience could give you an idea. She believes EVERTHING should be over-the-top, and it's not a bad expectation just not my personal one. She makes a guy work, I'll tell you that. For the "I-love-you" she hinted before hand that if anything were to happen it would HAVE to be something amazing. Her boyfriend took her to Niagra falls one Sunday morning. They spent the morning sight seeing, took her shopping, took her out to dinner and when they went back to the falls to watch the evening fireworks, he told her there. Very romantic.

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Dude, you've been on 3 dates and haven't kissed her yet. If you tell her you love her she'll freak out. You need to calm down, start talking to other girls. If you get into a relationship, then you can start to analyze your feelings more closely, but at this point it's just infatuation.


I dont know the backstory, but if heloladies21 does, I 2ND that. You tell her that and there won't BE a 4th date...or a kiss. Do what the above says, calm down, move slower...and definitely don't even let the idea of "I love you" come accross your mind again for a long time....by that I mean like at least a few months, possibly more, into an actual relationship. You will scare her off if you tell her that, or keep telling her you really like her, so don't.

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