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I feel like my bf hates me.

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Anyways we have been dating for almost 9 months. We did take about a month and a half break from each other, and about 4 months ago we started dating again. Well it was all good until the past month he has been very mean and moody to me. He yells at me over small things and turns everything into an argument. Now hes slowly starting to ignore me.The other day,I walked in before class started and he didnt say anything to me, but when our friend came in he got in a big greet with him. I jokingly said "hey you didnt say Hi to me"(I always joke about things) and he said "shut up and stop being jelous" Now he thinks that im jelous about everything. And he requested to take 2 days off away from me for now on, I didnt have any say or opinon on it. I dont know what to do he makes me cry everyday but when I try to break up with him I feel like I still love him. What should I do?

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he said "shut up and stop being jelous" Now he thinks that im jelous about everything.


Usually when this happens it's the end, unless there is something else that is happening that you aren't sharing with us.


This comment if you haven't done anything in a relationship is a red flag to say "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN". If he ever talks to you this way infront of others, stand up for yourself! This is unacceptable behaviour, in a relationship you never should involve others or speak about your problems to others unless you both have discussed it first.

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Why are you still with him? Drop him like a hot rock.


He is being mean, rude and his actions are completely uncalled for. I realize you are young, and this is a lesson for you: when someone is mean to you like that for any amount of time, drop them. It will only get worse.

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I think you are honestly dragging out a relationship that isn't going to go anywhere. For me, I need closure so just dropping someone is extremely difficult. He obviously isn't treating you the way you want to be treated. If you are going to bed with tears in your eyes every night this is not a healthy relationship, but I do understand the feeling of rather being with someone and hoping they will change then just breaking up with thembecause we fear to be alone.


You need to sit down with him and tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. If he chooses to be with you then you need to be respected. If he chooses to be single then you are better off anyway. You have to be strong. Don't convince him of why he should be with you, just tell him what you want, and if he can't do it you will be fine. Don't be afraid to be alone.

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