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Unloading the baggage...

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I started seeing a counsellor and it really helped. I talked about my ex and past b/f's and it helped get a lot of stuff straight in my mind. It's been 3 months since a started seeing the counsellor but I already feel I'm a bit better person.


Try it see if it helps.

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Dude when someone invents a pill that cure broken heart syndrome, I'll let you know.


Yeah you'd think with all this medical advancement someone would have come up with something by now! They can cure all these other diseases but not a broken heart.


I think the closest thing I can think of is alcohol...but usually that just makes it worse...


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I personally feel most of baggage (and I've been known to carry the mental equivalent of four louis vuitton trunksfull) is from unresolved issues and pain we choose to nurse. If you know you did all you could, or alternatively that maybe it could have worked but for whatever reasons it didn't and the time/circumstances made it wrong, then you can let go in peace and life will carry you naturally to the next place you're meant to be.

I think if you mindfully reflect on what you and your partner could have done better (without blaming or 'what if'...) and make a conscious effort the next time to be a more loving, responsive, etc. person, then your baggage issues will not be the 800 pound gorilla in your mental closet. Avoid the urge to compare and contrast, and let the new things and people in your life be as they are... leave negative voices behind... go into it assuming that you both have in you all that is necessary to make a solid and loving relationship. You can do it! hope that helps.

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