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why do guys say it's over with their ex when it really isn't

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Why do guys do this? I keep getting into relationship with guys that have a ex, they say it's over. I found out it's not. It's the ex they really care about. I'm like some person that doesn't even really exist in their lives. Like just another number, just another girl that they can walk on top of. Why can't guys just be honest?

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Hey, it's not all guys. I just got out of that last week. When we went out, she told me about her ex but I have nothing to worry about...then bam she breaks up with me, and just this morning her friend Holly tells me she went to his house last night and hasn't came home. So yea, don't think it's only guys that do this. I'm sorry, and I know exactly how you feel.

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I think they are just using the person to ease their pain. Which is totally unfair.


Yes that might be the reason, because after all, they still need the emotional help they used to get from their ex, and without knowing it, they might be using you. Or maybe it's simply to make their ex jealous to gain them back. And when they think they succeeded, they go back, which usually don't work in long terms anyway.

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Sounds like a rebound to me. How can you tell in the future?


It may hard at the beginning to discern that. But one key piece of information is how long it has been since the breakup and whether or not there are any ongoing communications with the ex. Both of these are things to consider. Also pay attention to his general level of commitment to the relationship after a while ... if he still has no interest in a serious relationship, after a while, that could also be a warning factor.

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I think most people anymore have some type of ex baggage. It's unfortunate, but true.


Playing the devil's advocate here, many people go through a breakup and just when they think they're moving forward, the ex shows up to thwart their recovery. (Just check out these boards for further proof)


If the person involved was the dumpee, it feels so good to have their ex wanting them back, they jump right back in. If this happens when they had already started seeing someone else....well.....you can see the dilemma. It may be completely unintentional on their part.


Granted, this is not always the case. Some people have no intention of giving up on their ex and knowingly start dating some other poor unsuspecting person.


I think it's just a matter of really getting to know someone and what their intentions are before getting too involved. It can save a lot of pain.

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