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What was the best way you asked or been asked out???

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Well, thats the question I would like to know....

What was the best way you asked or been asked out????


Sorry didnt finish..... The best way I asked out someone was by resiting a poem I wrote.... It sucks now that I read it... But she loved it.. now tell me about how you got asked out,, or how you asked someone out.... BEST OR WORST.....


For example,, my worst was when I asked out a girl and said.. Ummm my friends want me to do this,... I I do to... Will you umm go out with me.. pretty bad...

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lol Azn. Worst i did was ask someone out ova the interenet, i felt that was really stupid but she was about 2 ask me out anyway and i didn't want her 2 do that so i did it instead, it's a long story but i still had a good reason.


At the end of the day, i don't think it matters, coz u won't think about how someone asked u out, it's not like a marriage, what matters is that u're 2getha and not how u got 2 b like that. That's what i think.


Happy Heb

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This may not be the best, but it certainly worked for me! The scene is the last dance before summer starts, the last slow dance. I'll call the girl Denise because I don't want to reveal names.



Me : "Hey Denise, wanna dance?"

Denise : " I would love to, but I don't know how to dance"

Me : " That's okay, neither do I, we'd be perfect!"


After this, it was really easy to ask her out by talking in school, and we have gone out 4 times.

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that was pretty slick there... Either do I, were perfect.. right on... Does anyone got anymore......


Ill share another...


Alls I gotta say is I had a friend ask out a girl for me one time... Only last 3 weeks... But yeah..... That was another bad one on my part...

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Lol...ppl say the best way 2 ask someone out is definitely face 2 face. Asking a friend 2 ask her out is definitely not on but we all did stupid things when we were young. And everyone tends 2 remember the bad things and not the good coz the bad things stick in our head, we learn a lesson from experiences like that.


Happy Heb

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if the person you ask out is interested then it doesn't matter how .. but best for me was a simple phone call to the girl who working in my insurance brokers .. she said yes ...


worst was the age old .. am even embarrassed to say it now .. "you make my heart beat faster, what are you doing later?" .. omg that is sooo bad



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