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Looking Forward to 2006

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I really want to make 2006 a good year and not just coast along wasting time in my life for previous years.


I work in an office in Admin work, very boring & non-challenging & no job satisfaction or praise. Im 25, do not own my own place and earn £15K a year.


Im looking for a bit of help from everyone. Obviously everyone does different things in life and we all have our own needs & opinions.


For quite a few years now, since school infact when I got an A* in Business Studies, I have always had this feeling that I will be successful & even have my own business of some sort. However I have struggled to come up with an idea or find inspiration which has continued to frustrate me when everyone sets goals and achieves them. I get envious with those who find direction so easily and are so happy in life.


I did well in my exams at school, I did a 2 year modern apprenticeship in Administration with local County Council where I earned a NVQ Level 3 in Admin. Since doing so I did a HNC in Computing at college part time as I always thought I.T was what I wanted to do but could never break out into that field because of the dreaded "minimum 2years experience" in that field which every job wants.


Im very good in the I.T field and good with the Internet, although I think everyone is these days


Ive travelled the globe, probably 20 destinations in 5years and this is my main interest to date. Travelling, looking into different places and organising my own Trips & journeys rather than package holidays.


What I need is some sort of idea or brainstorm that can get me thinking on a business idea, where I could offer a service or product & obviously make some money from it. Something that people need & want.


My favour to ask is, can anyone help get me started, idea wise. All offers are gratefully accepted. I do feel that if i get started, my life will benefit hugely with some sense of achievement.


Everyone on this forum supports & encourages each other so I thought Id start here. people have been good to me here on a few issues.



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I don't have many ideas for you, but just wanted to say I empathize.


I know how you feel, I am in almost identical place! I work in admin, have a BA where I had a fantastic GPA, very academic, and have really had a hard time finding my thing....I have no assets or savings at this point (I do have debt though..yay...from last time at school!).


Job I am bored to death at (good things are the hours though!) and while pay is decent, it's not great ($30,000 CDN) for where I know I could be.


More so, it's not intellectually where I should be!


Other then that my life is great...great family, boyfriend, passions, physically active and fit, artistic, great friends...it's GOOD. But the job...ugh.


Last year, I told myself I needed a change. And I needed to do something. I am now 26, and I still have a lifetime ahead of me.


So, I applied for Law school. I had wanted to do it when I was still doing my undergrad, but finances, and life circumstances made me opt to start working. I studied for my LSAT, wrote it, and just found out TODAY I am accepted for next fall. Issues with paying tuition aside, I am delighted.

I plan on having my own practice after, so I can have a flexible schedule to raise family (so no corporate law here!) and have time for my fitness passions and goals.


Making change, is the hardest thing sometimes, but the best thing. While many business fail in the first couple years, more then make it, going at it the smart way will help a lot. I know people whom work for themselves as IT consultants for example which may be in your line of ideas. However, it sounds like travelling is your thing too. Just think of what your PASSION is and follow it. Sometimes the road there is curvy and you get lost, but just keep it in mind and you WILL get there.


Don't be afraid to make change. It will take time, but time will pass regardless, so make it worth it!

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Thankyou for your post, its good to hear others feeling siliar.

I do have good savings, i dont drink so dont spend all my money putting it down the toilet lol, i dont have any debt.


My life is ok, i do need a longterm partner to make me feel good, I did have a girl recently but it was full of complication and we are not together now, she was my first. And just feel i have alot of emptiness in my life, and no direction

I too told myself I need a change, infact I have done for a few years and just end up dragging myself down


Its great your excited about something in the future.

I dont see how I can do something part time to start off with in the "travel-tourism" field or make a few pennies from it.


My only thought is some sort of website, with affiliates, ppl book flight/hotels thru and i get a percentage. Id have to have alot of traffic to make money. But i already know of a few sites like this already.


Good luck though RayKay, u can do it.

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Well, If you're look into business the best thing to do is to start with something you like or would like to happen. The brainspark of any entrepreneur is his ability to predict what people want. That is a business is all about satisfiying people's wants and needs. This may sound all like theory but believe me it is the key to success. Now, about the part of personal satisfaction: I have noted this thing in many business men, the thing they do has started from a thing they liked doing at first e.g. a hobby or the thing they're most good at e.g. a builder who's now a property seller (The person who creates a block of apartments and sells them himself) or maybe a new thing they tried out. I am certainly not an expert but, if you can observe people (especially business men and entrepreneurs) and ideas start popping. The lack of ideas or satisfaction and direction means you are really not aware of the world around, the people, your friends, your family. You have to learn really in my opinion try new things, do things differently and explore. there's nothing worse than a person who thinks that he understands the world and how it works just enough to not bother much about it. I hope you find my thoughts helpfull.


Andrew Terry

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