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need an opinion here...

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you can always see a doctor and they can keep it confidential. they arent gonna tell your parents why you did it. if your really opposed to seeing one though, use antiseptic every day at least twice a day. i wouldnt keep and bandages on it because you want to let it air out. or you can put neosporin on it A LOT. i cant garentee that will kill an infection, but it may help... but i agree, you should probably see a doctor. or atleast go to a clinic. there they can help you privetly, i think.

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If seeing a doctor isnt the right thing for you, then the best thing is to clean it with anticeptic wipes, makes sure all the dirts out of it. I dont recomment cutting, but i think id have to least recommend cutting with old blades, you know? So just keep it clean.


If you wanted to cover it up then thats fine, but ive always been told to air your wounds, they heal better.


hope this helps. Kell.

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sweetheart, cutting is not a good thing to do.. but doubtless, you know that already. since it obviously helps you cope,and you're not inclined to see a doctor (not that i blame you on that point) i'm going to have to suggest that you clean it out really well with some rubbing alcohol a few times a day, and put some neosporin on it.. i'd also say that if you are going to cut, that you pick an area less likely to come in contact with germsa and dirt... not that i'm encouraging the behavior. also, look up some first aid.. and keep the notes with you when you do cut. it's not a healthy coping mechanism, but if it's the one you've got, be safe about it.. please.

you should also consider either sterilizing the tools, or getting some new, sterile tools..

and, since you are young, and have a good chance of developing new coping mechanisms, i'd suggest talking to a doctor about this stuff. it doesn't have to be your family doctor. and your parents don't have to know about it. or, you could talk to someone here about what's bothering you so much..


Ok, so basically I have re-opened a cut on my palm that was done about two days ago... Its quite sore and i was wondering if i should be worried... the tools I use to cut with are the same tools each time so its not clean/sterile. it looks a lot more darker red than in the pic. ok thanks... by the way this is not effin showing off cuts, its asking for advice...




if its possible for anyone to reply tonight Id apreciate it.

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