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Ok I know I probably need to get my wisdom teeth out but I just want to know if theres more problems then just that. My entire left and right side hurt whenever I eat food thats fairly hard. And even when I'm not eating it bothers me all day.


Is this because my wisdom teeth need to come out or does it sound like I have alot of cavaties? I mean I brush my teeth twice a day but rarely ever floss cause lets face it everyone hates flossing it's just such a pain =/.


I hope it's just my wisdom teeth causing all this pain cause I want a healthy mouth. Thanks for any info

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I get like that sometimes - but it's normally after eating chocolate or drinking those ver sugary lolly alcoholic drinks. Its funny, because it is ONLY those two things that do it - I have 0 cavities or anything, and I could lick sugar from the sugar bowl and not have a problem.


As others have said, a dentist is your best bet, but it probably is only your wisdom teeth. I still urge you to see a dentist to find out for sure though.

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Hey, I work in the dental field, not a dentist or anything but Im familair with problems that occur with teeth.


Can you see your wisdom teeth coming up? If you can it might be they are just growing....then again, if theres allot of pain the wisdom teeth can be actally growing on an angle and are pushing your other teeth!!


It might also mean you have senstive teeth or you have worn them down, do you use a hard toothbrush?? Use a soft one, it does the same thing with less damage!!! I would also invest in senstive tooth paste and a trip to the dentist! Its better to get them checked out, dont leave it too long or you could cause more damage and it would be hard and more expensive to fix!!

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