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Promise breaking

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Ok here is the situation......


My and my "supposed to be" best friend were talking on the phone about how she is busy all the time and that is why she hasn't seen me as much as she used to...and she has a lot of stuff she has to do all the time(college, work, etc.) We were talking and I was upset because I missed her and she is like blah blah blah I have a lot of stuff I have to do everyday and she is telling me not to be sad and stuff, and she is like well I got to go so I will call you tomorrow...so I was like you promise you will call me? She said I promise..so I was like ok....Well the next day she damn sure didn't call me and this is the second day and no phone call..What is up with that? I know it is a little promise, but that stuff matters to me...I don't care how big the promise is, you don't break it. What is that all about? Why is she ignoring me? Is she trying to get rid of me or what? Should I trust her? Is she or isn't she my friend? What should I do? Please help, I hate this....thanks.



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WOW! That sounds EXACTLY like my situation. Except...we go to the same school still and whenever I see her she is always with another friend. She hasn't called me in like 3 days. I duno why. She isn't mad at me she told me so...I dunno if I can believer her though. But anyways...my advice to you...is just do what I am doing...wait it out...she may think it's time you guys move on...or she may just be busy...it's hard to tell...just wait it out. Find someone else to hang with and talk to...a close frind but one that is ALMOST as cloe as her. Good Luck.

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Wow, this is totally weird. I really hate to say this, but hopefully my negative experince will help you out. I am the other girl. I am what your friend is doing to you. Our situations are probably different but let me tell you my story.

I had been friends with ....let's call her "diane", for over 13 years now. We were very close. Over the past few years we have really changed. Just interests and future plans....we were so different, but we always had our commited relationship to fall back on.

It's actually a really long story, so i'll make is short. Point is, I really have to admit i now ignore her. I can't stand hanging out with her and don't know how to tell her properly. I will just advoid her until I either get the guts to tell her or fiqure out what to say. She complains about it to other people and really just doesn't ever bring it up because I think deep down she knows. My advice? Just ask her! If she actually confronted me in an aggressive manner I would most likely tell her. She has asked me b4 and I just play it off as everything is ok cause it's just easier. I know it's terrible, but I really don't know what to do. How do u tell someone you don't want to be friends with them anymore? I'm torn. This isjust my situation and thought my unfortunate situation may be of some help to you. Good luck!

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Hmmmm, yea I see. But what about the fact that she broke her promise to me...I mean should I trust her? If she was my best friend she wouldn't have broken that promise. I don't think she cares about me at all. Maybe it is because I am to trusting....We have only known each other for like 4 months. It was wonderful in the beginning..I could be the fact that we messed around while she has a boyfriend and I started to like her to much and got a little clingy and she is backing away...I don't know. Right now I am playing her little game right back. I haven't called her, and I am not going to. If she calls me I am going to pretend like I don't care and if she wants to see me she can come over here. If she really cared for me though I don't think she would have broken the promise. I feel like crap though. Just thinking about it upsets me...I should probably just move on and forget about her, because it will just eat me up inside if I let it get to me. Oh what to do what to do. I got a little advice from one of my other friends and she said she is playing hard to get, and told me not to let it get to me and let her come to me when she is ready.


Here is some stuff I can add.....today she was on AIM with the away message on. She signed off which lets me know she was there, but still not talking to me. Screw it I don't even care anymore, but I do know she is going to pay for it.....

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Ok. I don't think she really has anything to pay for. She has a boyfriend, with whome she cheated on with you.........so, your the "other guy". Not to say she isn't at fault - at all....it's totally is partly her fault. My advice is to leave her alone. In my opinion she is totally blowing you off cause she either made a mistake or feels bad for messing around with you on her boyfriend. This is not cool, leave her alone and she has nothing to "pay for"

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