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There is so much going on in my life, it's so different from the comfortable life that I'm used to. I used to go to school and excel, I used to feel comfortable with my friends, I knew where I wanted to go in life, and now everything has changed. And I'm just so overwhelmed with all this stuff going on. I just found out that one of my friends is gay, and I don't know how to feel about it, I lost my first bf almost two months ago, been on NC for over two weeks, my best friend started a fight with me, and we're ok now, at least I think so, we haven't talked about it at all. And I'm going to university now and it's so different, and all this confusion doesn't help with adjusting. I just need someone to listent and hold me and tell me it'll all be ok. I just didn't think life would be this hard, or this complicated. I just need someone to hear me.

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ok life is like that you need to accept what ever problems comes in your way, you always think that loneliness, hurtache are part of life that you need to fight with it.. by the way if you want tohave a person you can talk to just send me email here's my id

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take care always and have a nice day

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There are times when life can get confusing and when it almost seems impossible. But if we believe that if we try and that we'll pull through, there is a chance we will. Talk with friends and family about your new changes and acceptance of things that have happened, will help too. Good luck.

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