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Weird Dream

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ok, this really isnt my problem, but a friend's. for the past 4 nights she has been having a weird dream. first of all she is at her house and her boyfriend is there and he is very tall and muscular. they try to get to reach other but they cant. then all of the sudden she is pregnant (they are NOT sexually active) and she has to tell her parents. after her parents find out, her crazy uncle,truly insane, comes and tries to kill the baby by stepping on her stomach. then, she is back by her boyfriend who is now his normal size. they still cant get to each other and she wakes up. this is a very eird dream and she says she has trouble getting to sleep and doesnt want to have it. if someone knows about dreams or knows how to stop repeating ones, please help. Thank you!

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Well its been a few years since i studied dreams..but you can in fact find good resources at the library or online i am sure.

Sounds like (in real life) she is fearful her family(or someone close) is trying to keep her away from her boyfriend or they do not approve of him. Also she may be fearful of having sexual relations with her boyfriend and scared of the consequences of doing such. Another thing has you're friend been sexually assulted before? this may have something to do with it as well.

Anyway, the best way to stop is to get to the core of the issue, talk about the dream as much as possible so it wears out the fear, and try something relaxing before bed ( hot bath, meditation)

hope this helps a tad...and sending her sweet dreams

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This shows a great sign 4 u to care enough to bring this topic up, out of concern for ur friend. We all have recurring dreams at some point, but may not may be able to recall all of them however. The birth may be a new self discovery and reflection of the inner child in her that feels supressed and unable to truly express herself to those in authority over her. While she respects them, she may also feel they put stricter limitations on her relationship with her boyfriend, and the child inside her is trying to come out and express how she truly feels.


In this dream she was birthing life, which is precious and a gift from God to be enjoyed and apreciated. Once she faces her fears, or let her innerchild be heard, she will be able to reach a new height of self discovery...with a clearer understanding of her strength and position in life...


Alot of times, we face our deepest fears in our dreams, and i feel holds a significant symbol of some sort that we must sort out in order to understand why we epeatedly have certain dreams. Altho it may seem frightening, because she doesnt understand the dream, it is more than likely the opening of a new dimension of positive changes in her life.



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i will talk to my friend about this and thank you guys so much for your input! im sure it will help her out alot and some of the things you were saying about er parents are really true. but no, she has never been sexually assaulted or anything. thanks again!

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