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Please help, i know every thread is labeled this, but please look


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me and my girlfriend of 3 months have had sex a few times this month without a condom. we realize how dumb this was and are never going to do it again


the thing is, what i call sex is really just being inside of her for 5 seconds tops then stopping when we realize what were doing. little to no precum was involved and nothing anywhere near an ejaculation. Now we are having pregnancy freakouts and its 2 weeks before her period.


someone please help me, can 5 seconds of sex get a girl pregnant? im asking for a real life answer, because i know by the books it can happen


please help im only 16 and i need some kind of answers, i cant trust what ive read online in the last 2 hours because it all contradicts itself




(the only reason im cluttering the forum with this is because i cant find anywhere a situation where there was such little sex, its not like i pulled out, it was so short)

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First of all you shouldn't be having sex if you are not okay with the consequences.. but Im not going to lecture you..


It is possible but I highly doubt it.. unless you had pre-cum.. but if it was seriously only 5 secs.. then I really doubt it.. but it is possible..


Just keep calm and don't let her get stressed out.. because stress and worrying and make her miss a period when shes not even preg..


If it happens it happens you cant do much about it now.. just be thankful for whatever the outcome is and don't use it as an excuse to take a chance like this again if you are not ready for the possibility of a child..

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i have been lecturing myself so much too. this is never going to happen again. we have been having sex for a while using condoms, this was just a lust thing that wasnt thought out. thanks so much amylyn


also thanks for the stress tip, i heard that can even make a person miss a whole month, which would just add more stress to us

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No prob.. if it makes you feel any better.. my b/f and I had sex for about a month with nothing.. and he would go inside me sometimes.. and I never got preg.. I did miss a period though because I thought about it too much and stuff.. but I took 2 preg tests and they were both neg and that was like a year or so ago and im still not preg lol but I mean everyone is different.. there is still that small chance.. and it does happen to some people....and it can be you..

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Ok I'm going to give you the straight facts.


Any ammount of contact between you two can get her pregnant. If there was no precum the chance is almost 0. Even if there was some precum the chance increases but there isnt very much sperm in precum.


If shes on the pill then you should be a ok. If not well then just play the wait and see game. Its tough I know (I used to freak out all the time). Again as stated above the stress that is brought on by this scare (which really isnt a scare because shes not late yet) can postpone her period. So the best thing for you to do is try to put it out of your mind, be there for her and try to keep as much pressure off of her as possible.


Don't forget that all of the signs of pregnancy can be caused by other things.


I highly doubt that she will become pregnant, however perhaps it is time you talked about what you would do. When talking remember to keep your cool.


If you need any questions answered about this feel free to pm me as I do know a lot about this subject from me freaking out and reading everything I could!

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