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OK here is the deal i like a guy and i think he might like me to because he seems to be tryin harder to talk to me and go out of his way but his best friend likes him and well he donesnt like her but i am just thinkin if i tell him how i feel it might start drama and another thing how can u tell or what are some signs that a guy likes you?????


please help me with this any advice or info is appreciated thanks


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Hi A12345


You should easily be able to tell if a guy likes you.. he will kinda go out of his way to talk to you, and may even try and have physical contact ie. touch you on the shoulder, or if he's feeling a bit crazy, give you a playful smack on the bum!!


My partner had a pillow fight with me when we were still friends!! It was hilarious!


It seems to me that you think that you should tiptoe around the best friend, but guess what.... that's why she is a bestie, not actually going out with him! Because he doesn't want her to be anything more than that.

I would say go for it! Guys love confidence.

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hekc yes we do, the best thing in the world is a girl you like to come to you and tell you that. But if he doesnt like you then he will let you know in a nice way, and you might be best friend # 2 but most times, if a guy is nice to you to begin with he already likes you, otherwise you guys would be noticing eachother in the first place.

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Do whatever it takes, who cares about his best friend, she'll get over it...eventually .



It sounds like he's interested but he's a bit shy, but if he's trying that's good. He just probably needs to talk to you if he hasn't already, if he is that's good he's probably just waiting for the right moment to ask you out. If he hasn't talked to you, say hi to him, it might make him feel more comfortable and he might have the guts to reciprocate.

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Y will it sound like some drama. common his best frnd likes him dsnt mean no one else can like him rite...Ok thats wat i feel..!!and about the signs..its really simple...like ~Serendipity~ said..he ill try to touch u..not accidently...

besides if he really likes u..whenever ur smwhere around him..am sure he will look at u...and will come and talk to u..if he is not the shy kind..but yeah he ill surely say hi or atleast smile...whenver he sees u...

and if he really REALLY likes u..then he ill keep talkin to u till u really wanna stop..in simple words..he will just wait till u actually leave!..try it..it works!

Hope this helps!

Have Fun and Good Luck!

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