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how do you get rid of acne?

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When I was having problems, my dermatologist recommended a gentle cleanser like Dove unscented or something called Cetaphil and to wash with that twice a day. Overwashing can strip your skin and actually make your acne worse, so don't overdo it. Then use a mild astringent, one that's alcohol free. My family likes to use Witch Hazel because it's gentle and you can buy it at any drugstore and it is way less money than Sea Breeze. Then for spot treatments get a Benzoyl Peroxide treatment like Clearasil Ultra and apply it to the affected areas and follow with an oil free moisturizer. I like Cetaphil for that too. They have a cream and a lotion. If your skin in oily then get the lotion. You should see results quickly. Stay away from oil based products, make sure any make up you decide to use is non-comedegenic, and drink LOTS of water, it will help flush everything out.

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The best and quickest results I got was from a dermatologist. The medicine they give you clears you up in no time! Wonder why you don't just do that.


But if you want a natural way...get a gentle face cleansing soap to wash your face 2-3 times a day, don't rest your hands on your face (your hands are dirty), replace your pillowcase every week or less. Oh, and avoid makeups that will clog your pores.

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Food doesn't have **** to do with your face. Only thing that would help make your face worse would be iodine in the iodized salt like for example they sprinkle that on the fries at McDonalds and other fast food places.


Yeah I've been using anti-biotics and Retin-A that I got from a dermotologist. I've been using that for 3 months now and I can really see some improvement I used to have like 35-50 zits on my face every day for 4 years. It was major self-esteem issues then. Now I feel a lot better that I have 2 and there small. Sometimes I don't get any at all and you just see the red marks from old zits (which can be covered up with makeup for you girls out there with it. Get make up thats **NON-comedogenic**).

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