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ok well ive lost the feeling

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ok well ive lost the feeling, honestly i cant see whats so good about love and dating. ive had very happy relationsships in the past but know i only see them as a painfull memory and a part of my life i wish i could take baq. I see love as nothing and i want it back, i want someone to hold and to trust but no one is to be found, im just another lost soul with no purpose. it may seem im depressed but im not. im happy in life im getting good grades, u just wish i had somone. how can i get this feeling baq, theres a girl in my science class who im getting to know better but i dont think she relizes i like her how can i get the feelings baq to have anough confidense to get her to notice me, and when that comes, how CAN i get her to notice me.

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I think you should ask her out for a friendly date ..like to get a cup of coffee. Play it cool and just go out with her on a get to know her basis. I know how you feel with the confidence issue. God knows I have been in many bad break ups...but the way to show confidence to her is by showing her just that ...show her your strengths through conversation ...just be yourself and reveal who you are without expressing anything fake. One of the things that happen when you give up on love is that you begin to think its you ..but its never you ...you can only be yourself...so love yourself enough to show that to others..before you can make anyone happy...be happy yourself first.

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