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soo scared!!

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im only 16 n im quite nice lookin n everythin n quite a few lads say they like me but one - i like aswell n he knows but im to afraid to meet up with him (bcoz hes asked me 2) just the thught of going out with him makes me scared! im soo scared! im scared if im gonna do summit wrong! n the thaught of being naked in front of someone els scares me to death! iv had a bf but i dumped him 3 days after i got with him because i was scared n i dint know what to do! n thats the only bf iv had! im scared im gonna die without ever havin a bf n children! has anyone else got this problem?! what can i do?! what can we all do?! help!

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Calm down you're only 16! Why does 'meeting up' with somebody automatically mean you have to 'be naked' in front of him? You don't have to do anything you don't want to or feel uncomfortable with and if anybody expects you too then they clearly don't care about you do they?

Its okay to be scared most people are to some degree when they start dating.

The best thing you can do if you like somebody is go out on a date with them and get to know them over a decent period of time and decide if you really like them before you take things further physically.

Just because other people you know are supposedly having sex (you can bet a lot of them are not) does NOT mean YOU have to.

Do what feels right for YOU and don't do anything because its 'expected' of you by anybody. Who cares what they think, its YOUR body you do what feels right for you.

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Hold it. You're running before you've learnt to crawl.


Get to know each other as friends first and then move on to holding hands and a peck on the cheek. Eventually a goodnight kiss.



This can happen over weeks or even months. Just take your time. Also you could talk to him about it. If you're embarrassed than talk to him when you're out for a walk in the dark.


There's no rush. Take your time. If he doesn't respect your wishes then find someone who will.


Good luck, take care and have fun.


You can PM me anytime. I'm also on MSN

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I agree with Dannysgirl. Believe me there is PLENTY of time to have children. My goodness, you are only 16 years old. I was 18 before I had my first real boyfriend and I was scared too. Now, I have been married for 17 years and have 2 great kids!! Being naked and that open with someone takes trust and that is built over time, so sloooooow down and take it one date at a time. Enjoy your teenage years and don't do anything that you are not comfortable with.

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